Articles I write in free time, and for employers.

22.8.2024 · Appwrite
Go, high-performance runtime and SDK
Go runtime is now supported, and we released a Go SDK.

19.8.2024 · Appwrite
Measuring Appwrite's Go runtime performance
You can now develop and test functions on your local machine.

8.8.2024 · Appwrite
Measuring Appwrite's Go runtime performance
Benchmark of our new Go runtime in comparison with other runtimes.

24.5.2024 · Appwrite
Integrate any database into your Appwrite project
With databases it's always "it depends", but we got the answers.

9.3.2024 · 7 min read
Biometric authentication with Passkeys
Authenticate users with their what they are.

17.9.2022 · 4 min read
Why I chose to sponsor Offen
I fell in love with open source opt-in web analytics.

3.5.2022 · 7 min read
Why Discord is a must-have for OSS
Setting up Discord server is low effort high value improvement.

6.1.2022 · Appwrite
Best database pagination technique
Learn difference between offset and cursor pagination.

1.8.2021 · 6 min read
Speed-up your web with Blurhash
Optimize website performance with visual image placeholders.